The I-Shooter Pro2 WiFi is a low cost, small size, lightweight marking system. The I-Shooter Pro2 WiFi is the third generation of I-Shooter developed by Baur SA. It can be used in standalone mode. The hit reaction is then defined via the user interface equipping the I-Shooter Pro2. It can also be remote controlled thank to the WiFi module equipping the I-Shooter Pro2 WiFi allowing a very easy and efficient deployment. It can be used with different type of munition ranging from 'air soft' to real munition (e.g. 12.7mm) and therefore is adapted for private as well as professional use. Some customers combine I-Shooter Pro2 WiFi with mobile platform to represent moving target. By combing I-Shooter and dedicated we can achieve a low cost LOMAH (Localisation Of Miss And Hits) System. Several special units are using such combination.